Monday, September 21, 2009

Hugh gets "cabin" fever

A few days ago, Hugh got fed up with hanging around my bed all day long, so he decided to go out for an adventure and find some sights and some food. He headed to Scott's hut at Hut Point. Here he is with the hut behind him:
Hmm... no food there. Continuing on to Vince's Cross, Hugh had to stop and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Very pretty. He also wanted to stop and get a picture of himself with the station in the background. Very nice, Hugh. Who's taking these pictures?
It was beginning to get windy and cold out there, so Hugh decided it was time to get back to bed, without a meal. Besides, I was going to be home soon, and he couldn't let me catch on to his schemes. But I know now...oh, I don't get how this works.

But wait!! What's this?
Oh, rats! While this is food, it is 100 year old food. So, rather than eat the 100 year old seal, Hugh posed for a photo.

This concludes Hugh's journey to Hut Point. He didn't get inside the hut, but when I do, I'll post some pics.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that seal looks exactly the same...Your pictures are beautiful. Keep them coming, you seem not so far away. LOVE, Mom