Monday, September 8, 2008

Our lab and views of the neighborhood

Hello again. I thought you'd like to see what I see every day. This is our lab in the Crary Center. I just took a picture of this side for now because this is "my" side. In the back is where we prep our ozone instruments prior to launch and in the front, Hugh is sitting by the receiving station where we can keep track of all of our equipment as it travels through the atmosphere.
Here is the view from that window in the background.
And one last picture for now, this is the shot from the loading dock on the other side of the building. Mountains of Antarctica!
Today these mountains were absolutely stunning with Mount Discovery taking first prize for being the most amazing mountain I have ever seen (take that Mount Rainier). Hopefully I will be able to get some shots tomorrow.

1 comment:

pdenninggolden said...

Hello, Wyoming and Hugh, I am glad to see Hugh working so diligently. You have taught him well. Mt. Discovery is, indeed, majestic. It looks like you have settled in and made this unique place "home" for a minute. I really like Antarctica so far, as seen through your eyes. Love and Prayers, Pat.
P.S. Give Hugh A Hug For Me!